News and Announcements

The 21st International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Annual Meeting.

July 05, 2024

Ester Cerin, the President of ISBNPA and Program Leader of the Behaviour, Environment, and Cognition Research Program, recently spearheaded the 21st ISBNPA Annual Meeting.

An International Visitor

November 22, 2023

Prof Jim Sallis, American members of the BECRP mad a long overdue visit back to Melbourne!

Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers 2023

November 16, 2023

In a momentous achievement, three members of the BECRP Team, two of which are ICHEN founders, have been recognised as Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2023.

And the Winner is…..

May 25, 2023

Ester Cerin (ICHEN Leader, ACU), Billie Giles-Corti (RMIT), Carl Higgs (RMIT), Jonathon Arundel (RMIT), and Melanie Lowe (University of Melbourne), on behalf of the Global Healthy and Sustainable City-Indicator Collaboration, won the 2023 national Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Award for Planning Research Excellence! 

Research Visit - Dr. Hino

March 22nd, 2023

On March 16th the BECRP was visited by Dr Kimihiro Hino, an associate Professor and urban engineer from the University of Tokyo.

Research Seminar: Geolingual Studies

May 9th, 2023

On May 5th the ICHEN/BECRP team hosted international researcher Prof. Carolin Biewer, who presented a seminar on her new research area- Geolingual Studies.

Three of the BEC team are amongst the worlds most influential researchers

November 16, 2022

Clarivate is an international analytics firm that has been releasing a yearly list of the most highly cited researchers since 2002. This year three members off our Behaviour, Environment, and Cognition team, including 2 of ICHEN founders, have made it on the prestigious list. 

Planning Institute of Australia (Victoria) Award Winners!

November 14, 2022

ICHEN Leader, Professor Cerin, was part of a team of researchers that won the Planning Institute of Australia (Victoria) Award for Planning Excellence-Planning Research (2022). The awards was for the project ‘Benchmarking Healthy and Sustainable Cities globally’

Healthy Cities, Healthy People Event Recap

December 1st, 2022

On Thursday 24th November, the Behaviour, Environment and Cognition Research Program (BECRP) hosted its first networking event. The event aimed to unite academic and non-academic stakeholders, who can use BECRP’s research to shape policies and practices for healthy, sustainable urban environments.

The Impact of the Environment and Pollution on Cognitive Health (EPOCH) Workshop/ Roundtable

June 14th, 2022

On May 6th, 2022 the BECRP held their first roundtable event. The event brought together a range of academics, policy makers, and community end users (public). The aim being to help advance their understanding of how features of the urban environment impact cognition in later life.

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